Environmental policy

As a good neighbour, ESD-SIC wants to produce in a socially responsible manner by further optimising and innovating its business processes. ESD-SIC aims to achieve this through a range of measures, such as using sustainable raw materials, reducing CO2 emissions and saving energy, all in close partnership with regional chain partners and other stakeholders.

Find out more about our environmental policy


Corporate social goals

ESD-SIC views socially responsible production as important, and thereby aims to do the following:

  • actively prevent, minimise or further control the negative
  • consequences of business operations on the environment and its
  • immediate surroundings.
  • further expand its position as the most reliable, eco-friendly and
  • energy-efficient SiC producer worldwide.
  • introduce new technologies and acquire knowledge to make its
  • processes more sustainable and greener.
  • be a reliable and transparent partner for all its stakeholders.

Find out more about our corporate social goals