Privacy & Cookies

Privacy Statement ESD-SIC B.V.

1. Privacy at a glance

The following information gives you insight into what happens to your personal data when you visit our website or use our services. Personal data within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) is all data that enables the direct or indirect identification of a natural person. This privacy statement explains which data we collect for which purpose and what we use it for.

Amendments to our privacy statement will be incorporated here, so please check our website on a regular basis.

2. Data processing on our website

When you visit our website, a number of personal data is collected. For example, during the use of our website we collect technical details and your name and e-mail address if you completed the contact form on this website.

We take the protection of your personal data extremely seriously. Therefore we treat your personal data confidentially and in accordance with this privacy statement and the statutory provisions regarding privacy protection.

How do we collect your personal data?

On the one hand your data is collected because you pass it on to us, for example data you enter on a contact form. On the other hand, data is collected automatically by our IT systems during a visit to our website. Those are largely technical details, such as your internet browser, browser type, browser version, operating system, referring URL, host name of the access computer or the time of accessing the website. This data is recorded as soon as you open our website.

What do we use your personal data for?

We use your personal data to provide our services, to implement an agreement or to send you our newsletter. Part of the data is also collected to ensure a fault-free availability and display of our website. Other data is used to analyse your user behaviour.

What is our legal basis for processing your personal data?

We only process personal data on the basis of the grounds in the GDPR, such as consent, implementing an agreement, complying with a statutory obligation or a legitimate interest. Processing the data entered on the contact form takes place on the basis of your consent. We do not collect more personal data than required to achieve our objective.

Which personal data do we process?

When you submit enquiries by means of the contact form, your name and e-mail address and any personal data you provided on the request form are stored for the purpose of processing this request and any possible questions on our part. This data is not passed on to third parties, other than those who are essential, without your permission. The data you entered on the contact form is stored by us until you ask for removal, withdraw your permission for storage or the purpose of data processing no longer applies.

Furthermore, the provider of our website automatically stores information that your browser passes on to us and stores this information on so-called server log files. They are:

  • Browser type and browser version
  • The operating system used
  • Reference URL
  • Host name of the computer that obtains access
  • Time of the server request
  • IP address

There will be no attempts to combine such data with data from other data sources.

3. Privacy protection

You are always entitled to receive and/or access information about the origin, the recipients and the purpose of the personal data stored about you. Furthermore, you are entitled to demand correction, blocking or erasure of this data. In some circumstances you are also entitled to data portability. If your personal data is processed on the basis of consent, you can always withdraw your consent. You can contact us with questions about this issue or other questions regarding privacy protection by using the address below the contact form. You are entitled to submit a complaint to the competent supervisory authority.

4. Security and reporting a data breach

We do everything in our power to secure your personal data in accordance with the law. We secure your personal data by taking suitable technical and organisational measures. In the event of a data breach we report this to the supervisory authority. If there is a legal obligation and the situation demands it, we also report it to you.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that sending data via the internet, for example e-mail communication, may constitute certain security risks. It is not possible to provide absolute protection of data against access by third parties.

SSL and TLS coding

For security reasons and to protect confidential content, such as orders or requests you send to us as website operator, our website uses SSL and TLS coding. You can recognise an encrypted connection, as the address bar of the browser changes from „http://“ to „https://“ and by the lock symbol in your browser bar.

When the SSL or the TLS coding is activated, the data you pass on to us cannot be read by third parties.

5. Third parties

We shall not provide your personal data to third parties, except insofar as there is a ground for doing so and it is necessary to do so. We only provide your personal data to third parties if they need it to perform agreed services. If we engage third parties that process personal data on our instructions, we shall conclude a processor’s agreement with that third party. In that agreement we agree that the third party shall protect the personal data just as well as we do. In some cases we have a statutory obligation to pass on your personal data, for example to supervisory authorities.

6. Cookies

Our website uses so-called “cookies”. Cookies do not cause damage to your computer and do not contain viruses. Cookies enable us to make our offer more user friendly, effective and safer. Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer and stored in your browser.

Most of the cookies we use are so-called “session cookies“. They are deleted automatically after your visit to our website (session). Other cookies remain stored on your device until you remove them yourself. Those cookies enable us to recognise your browser during your next visit.

You can use the settings of your browser to ensure that you are informed when cookies are about to be placed. You can accept placing of cookies in individual cases, exclude the acceptance of cookies for certain cases or in general, and you can activate automatically deleting cookies when you close your browser. When cookies are deactivated, the functionality of our website may be restricted.

Cookie-Name Purpose Third-Party Access Running-time
PHPSESSID Session-Cookie Server End of the session
1P_JAR Google-Maps Google 1 year
APISID Google-Maps Google 1 year
CONSENT Google-Maps Google 1 year
HSID Google-Maps Google 1 year
NID Google-Maps Google 1 year
SAPISID Google-Maps Google 1 year
SID Google-Maps Google 1 year
SIDCC Google-Maps Google 3 months
SSID Google-Maps Google 1 year
_Secure-3PAPISID Google-Maps Google 1 year
_Secure-3PSID Google-Maps Google 1 year
_Secure-APISID Google-Maps Google 1 year
_Secure-HSID Google-Maps Google 1 year
_Secure-SSID Google-Maps Google 1 year
_ga Google Analytics Google 2 years
_gat Google Analytics Google 10 minutes
gid Google Analytics Google 24 hours
Collect Google Analytics Google 1 year

7. Plug-ins and tools

Google Maps

We use Google Maps in the interest of an attractive representation of our online range and to make the locations and places used on our website easy to find. Via an application programming interface (“API”) our website uses the map service “Google Maps”. The provider is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

In order to use the functions of Google Maps it is essential to store your IP address. This information is generally sent to a Google server in the US where it is stored. The provider of this page does not control that data transfer.

For more information about the use of user data, please consult the Google privacy statement on

Google Analytics

Our website uses Google Analytics, a web-analysis service provided by Google LLC (“Google“). The information generated by the cookie about the use of online range by the user is generally sent to a Google server in the US where it is stored.

Google has a Privacy Shield Agreement certificate and therefore guarantees that European legislation regarding data protection is met (

On our instructions, Google uses this information to evaluate the use of our online range by users, to compile reports about the activities within this online range, and to provide other services regarding the use of this online range and the use of the internet. The processed data can also be used to generate anonymised user profiles.

We only use Google Analytics with activated IP anonymisation. The aforementioned means that Google shortens your IP address within the members states of the European Union or other treaty states to the treaty regarding the European Economic Area. It is only in exceptional situations that the full IP address is sent to a Google server in the US and shortened there.

The IP address that is sent by the user’s browser is not combined with other Google data. Users can prevent storage of cookies with the settings of their browser software – users can also prevent Google’s recording and processing of data related to their use of the website and generated by the cookie by downloading and installing the browser plug that is available via the following link:

More information about Google’s data use, settings and objection option can be found in the Google privacy statement ( and in the settings for displaying advertisements by Google (

Google Web fonts

For a uniform display of fonts, our website uses the so-called “Web Fonts” that are made available by Google. By bringing up a page, your browser loads the required web fonts in your browser cache to display texts and fonts correctly.

This means the browser you use needs to connect to the Google servers. That means that Google knows that your IP address is used to obtain access to our website. The use of Google Web Fonts is in the interest of a uniform and attractive representation of our online range. If your browser does not support Web Fonts, a standard font of your computer is used.

More information about the Google Web Fonts is available at and in the Google privacy statement at

8. Contact details

Our contact details in case you have questions about processing personal data via our website:

Kloosterlaan 11-13
Telephone: +31 596 637 222


Contact person Mr J.K. Mulder