Innovative and socially responsible

ESD-SIC bv (ESD) is an independent subsidiary of the German company REF-Processing GmbH.

Farmsum / Delfzijl is home to ESD-SIC, one of the largest silicon carbide (SiC) factories in the world.

ESD-SIC is an innovative and socially responsible company, It produces a maximum of 65,000 tonnes of high-quality semi-finished SiC annually, while respecting very strict environmental requirements.

ESD-SIC is already an example for the SiC global market, especially in the fields of the environment and process technology. ESD-SIC wants to further expand this position by using sustainable raw materials, reducing CO2 emissions, and saving energy, all in close cooperation with regional chain partners, stakeholders and community.

The silicon carbide produced in Delfzijl is used for various sustainable applications, such as solar cells, wind turbines, air filters, water purification filters, and more efficient engines.